Rabu, 08 April 2009

H + 1 first year anniversary

jam 04.35 bangun seperti biasa, karena alarm bunyi. tapi sumpah yaaa, hari ini gue malessssssssssssssss banget sekolah. kalo ngga gara2 susulan bahasa inggris (yang udah di pending berapa bulaan gtu..) gue ngga akan masuk deh. abis matiin alarm, gue malah tidur lagi gitu. baru dibangunin lg sama nyokap gue jam 04.50, so there are still about 30 minutes left to get myself ready. males males maleeeeees bgt rasanyaaa. yaudah kan tuh, sholat, mandi, beresin buku, terus turun kebawah. di jemputan tidur seperti biasa...

sampe sekolah, oh i really prefer to stay at home for God's sake. it was like sooooooooo boring and the english test took less than 30 minutes only. the good thing is i bring 'shopaholic & baby' with me so i could read it whenever i get bored. dan cuaca hari ini bener2 mendukung buat tiduuuuur. kalo kata rian : mendung2 kentang (apapun itu artinya..)

one good thing about being at school today is i could tell my friends about what just happened yesterday. i told fitria, uthi, and imes. fitria and imes, they both cried and said 'aaaaaaaawwh... sooo sweeeeeeeeet'. wajar aja sih nangis karena menurut gue itu emang so sweet abuessssssss orang gue juga nangis kok HAHAHA but I bet rian didn't realize that i was crying in the car ;)

and................ this is the main story. today's my mom's birthday! i bought a chocolate, flowers-in-a-vase shapped. it's sooo cute and it has got two green flowers. my mother loves green so much. she adores everything green-colored. no matter how ugly the green is. once we pass a HIJAU-DANGDUT-colored car and then she said 'look! it's lovely...' oh common mom.... back to the story! i bought that and brought it home. at home, i wrapped the chocolate with a piece of green paper. i and my brothers gave it to my mom, and the end of the story is, we ate the chocolate together in silence (no one talked for a few seconds. all busy with the chocolate ha-ha). and my mother looked so happy, i really glad to see that kind of smile in her face :):)

apart from that nice family story....
gue sangat ingin membakar kantor pusat indosat m3 tau ngga loooooo. udah beberapa bulan ini im3 SELALU error kalo smsan mlm2 pending teruuuussss... dan udah beberapa hari ini PAGI2 PUN SUKA ERROR JUGA. oh my god! padahal gue membayangkan today will be a lovely day for me and rian. we're going to throw love words by text, because it's our anniversary yesterday. tapi fakta pun berkata lain............ huhu malah bikin gue kangen aja sih ni im3 hooooahhhhhhhh!!!!

haha yaudah;ah itu dia curcol gue hari ini. EH! fyi, gue lolos seleksi yg ikut pembinaan OSN itu looh! HAHAHAHAHA buset deeehhh........

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